National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University is recruiting full-time faculty for the Institute of Food Safety and Health Risk Assessment.

The Institute of Food Safety and Health Risk Assessment at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University ( is inviting applications for a faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor (inclusive) and above beginning Feb. 1, 2025. Applicants whose research interests focus on Food Microbiology, Smart agriculture (safety related) or Food Nutrition are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants with outstanding research achievements in relevant fields are welcome to apply.

1. Required qualifications:

  1. Ph.D. degree.
  2. Two or more years of postdoctoral research or related research experience (as of the submission deadline).

2. Candidates interested in our position please send the following documents in PDF format to

  1. Detailed curriculum vitae (including academic and professional experiences, areas of expertise, and contact information) and autobiography.
  2. A photocopy of education and working experience diploma.
  3. Publication List and printed copies of representative related research publications.
  4. Teaching and research proposal including a list of courses (with syllabus) that can be taught.
  5. Three letters of recommendation.
  6. Other relevant materials that would help assess the applicant’s background.

3. Please submit your application to by Sep. 13th, 2024.

(Any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) and sent via email before Oct. 9th, 2024)

Please forward questions and inquires to